A jet sits on a dry runway with the sun overhead.

Jet Zero: a one way ticket to climate hell

The package of plans to make the aviation industry 'green' is a charade driven by considerations of profit, economic growth and aviation's corporate consumers.

“Buried alive by the National Coal Board”: the fiftieth anniversary of the Aberfan Disaster...

At 9:15am on Friday 21 October 1966, a colliery spoil tip collapsed, and slid down the mountainside onto the mining village of Aberfan in South Wales.

‘We’re living in an unfair society’

The youth strikers for climate take to the streets again today (Friday 19 July), at the end of a week of action by Extinction Rebellion. rs21 members report from around the UK.

Power play in the global climate movement

What Paris made clear is that now is the time to draw lines as the wider climate movement cannot fulfil its own agenda.

The right to water: an interview with Mike Gonzalez

Mike Gonzalez and Marienella Yanes are the authors of The Last Drop: The Politics of Water (Pluto: 2015). Mike talked to Nick Evans about the fight to put the world's water back under democratic control,...
socialist argument nuclear weapons

Diversify or Die: a new pamphlet from rs21

UK manufacturing workers must reject a continued dependency on defence contracts in favour of a re-dedication of industry to environmentally and socially beneficial production.

Ende Gelände – direct action against climate change

"We cannot seriously tackle climate change or provide global social justice without overcoming capitalism, its obsession with growth and its mechanisms of exploitation."

A fuel’s paradise: capitalism, energy crises and the markets  

Fossil fuel companies and national governments are driving the climate catastrophe that threatens us all.

Nine years since Hurricane Katrina: has anything changed?

Nine years on from the devastating Hurricane Katrina, Lois JC, who visited New Orleans last year to see how the city had changed, writes on the lasting impact of the disaster.