Starmer’s purges and the problem with Labour

Finlay Conti and Gus Woody look at the Labour Party's history to understand the meaning of Starmer's purge, what it tells us about Labour's inability to represent the working class, and how Marxists go forward from here.
Health worker carries placard reading "Heroes shouldn't have to use food banks"

NHS in crisis – fightback on pay can help save it

Health campaigner Gill George analyses the crisis facing the NHS – both nationally and in Shropshire, where she lives – and the campaigns to fight back.
Medics in scrubs with placard reading "Jeremy Hunt: taking the NHS for a ride"

Growing strike wave can beat Hunt’s attack on workers

Thousands of workers are set to strike before Christmas.

Pogroms and protests in Israel

As attacks on Palestinians increase, we reprint an article by Australian socialist Rick Kuhn that puts the offensive into the wider context of the increasing divisions among Israeli politicians.

Palestine 101: Asking questions of Zionism

Sherry Wolf interrogates three common claims made by supporters of the state of Israel.

Sharon: biography of a war criminal

Sai Englert looks back at Ariel Sharon’s bloody legacy and his life of political and military service to the Zionist colonial project:The media’s attempted whitewashing of Sharon’s legacy is not just brushing the history...

Policing the system: racism, violence and the crimes of the cops

Studies carried out in the aftermath of the riots confirmed that large numbers of rioters took to the streets for revenge - against a political system that marginalised them.

The May of the masses: the Tiananmen Square movement 25 years on

 4 June marks the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Charlie Hore looks back at the inspirational movement that went before, and repression that followed.  Twenty-five years ago, a mass protest movement exploded across...

The birth of Palestinian Resistance and the 1936 uprising

In the fourth installment of Neil Rogall's series on the history of Palestine he looks at a long history of Palestinian resistance to occupation that culminated in the Arab revolt of 1936 Read part 1...